
If you are interested in knowing our ambassadors, you'll read about them on the page "Team Uhip".


Sweden-24px.png Sveland - Djurförsäkringar till alla


Sweden-24px.png Svenska kennelklubben

instagram-primary-color.svg svenskakennelklubben


Norway-24px.png Rider In Balance

 instagram-primary-color.svg riderinbalance

Evolution of performance - by development of technical riding skills

A focus on improving horse-rider performance by improving rider balance is getting more and more interest across the equestrian world. The main goal of our system is to make the horse and rider become one unit. This is the never-ending search for optimal timing and harmony between two individuals, like two dancers moving like one. Our system has been scientifically tested and is evolving further with generous grant support from the Ulla Håkanson Foundation.

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Sweden-24px.png Svenska Islandshästförbundet

instagram-primary-color.svg Svenska Islandshästsförbundet

The Swedish Icelandic Horse Association is a membership organisation with almost 8,000 members in approximately 70 local associations across Sweden. 

SIF's works every day to maintain its position as one of the world's leading associations in terms of quality, breadth of activities, sporting success, horses and horse management. It works to safeguard breeding that preserves and strengthens the special characteristics of the Icelandic horse. The organisation has also invested in the Swedish Icelandic Horse National Team.

Read more about the Swedish Icelandic Horse Association on


Sweden-24px.png Lära med Hästar

 instagram-primary-color.svg laramedhastar

Team building, leadership development and training programmes  - with horses as teachers! Exercises are mainly done starting from the basics, and are intended to strengthen and develop self-esteem, self-confidence and important skills such as cooperation, communication and leadership.

Lära med hästar has been named Life Idea of the Year by Skandias Skandia's Ideas for Life foundation! Read about Lära med hästars the award

Find more about Lära med hästar


Sweden-24px.png Hunden i Centrum

 instagram-primary-color.svg hundenicentrum

Hunden i centrum is a passion project founded by Anders and Johanna Lind Bagge. We work to improve the status of dogs in society by offering training to dog owners and others interested in dogs in Sweden through our social media channels. Our vision is that all dogs in Sweden receive all the love and security they need, and that society has a good ethical understanding of how a dog's life should be.


Sweden-24px.png Svenska Dressyrtränarklubben

instagram-primary-color.svg svenska_dressyrtranarklubben

The Swedish Dressage Trainers Club is open to professional dressage trainers with wins in any competition from Msv A to the Grand Prix. Among other things, the organisation works to protect the interests of professional coaches and promote good ethics in the profession.


Sweden-24px.png CK Sporthästar

instagram-primary-color.svg cksporthastar

Kristjan Magnusson is a highly qualified Icelandic horse rider who runs CK Sporthästar with their partner Cecilia Nancke. They take in Icelandic horses for education, sales, training and treatments, among other things.

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Sweden-24px.png    Hundhus1

instagram-primary-color.svg  hundhus1