Die Nr. 1 Marke für Reitsport-Outdoor-Bekleidung

    Weltweiter Versand

    Superschnelle Lieferungen

    30 Tage Rückgaberecht

    Schwedisches Design

    Die Nr. 1 Marke für Reitsport-Outdoor-Bekleidung

    Weltweiter Versand

    Superschnelle Lieferungen

    30 Tage Rückgaberecht

    Schwedisches Design




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On this page, we inform our website visitors about the technology used on the site and how visitors can make informed choices about handling cookies.

What is a cookie?

When you visit our website, we place cookies on your device for various reasons. A cookie is a small text-based file that is downloaded and stored on your computer, mobile, or similar device, containing information about your navigation on the website. Cookies can, for example, be used to track which pages you visit on the website, save the information you have provided, or remember your settings, such as language preferences.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to provide you access to all the website's functions, personalize your user experience, perform analytics, and improve our services. Cookies are also used to deliver personalized ads on our websites, apps, and newsletters on the internet and via social media platforms. This allows us to gain insights such as how many people click on our ads on social media to visit a page on our website. This information is used to measure and optimize our advertising on social media.

Who is responsible for placing cookies on our website?

Each cookie has a publisher, indicating who it belongs to. Some cookies are placed on the websites by us – these are called “first-party cookies.” Other cookies are placed on the websites by another organization with our permission. Such cookies are called “third-party cookies.”

Uhipwear AB, 556839-4687, and named third-party services are responsible for placing cookies on your device when you access any of our official websites and for accessing and collecting data from the same device.

How long are cookies stored?

Cookies can be stored in your browser or on your device for varying lengths of time. Temporary cookies, or session cookies, are stored on your device until you close the browser. Permanent cookies have an expiration date; once this date has passed, the cookie is deleted when you return to the website that created it.

What types of cookies do we use?

We use four categories of cookies: necessary, functional, statistical, and marketing. Only the last three categories require user consent. Necessary cookies do not require user consent, as they ensure that the content on the website is displayed fully and continuously so you can access the website and have an appropriate digital experience while browsing online.

How can you approve or withdraw your consent to cookies in the cookie settings?

You can manage your cookie consent via the cookie icon at the bottom left of our website. You can approve all three categories of cookies or just one of them if you prefer. By approving a specific category of cookies, you consent to all cookies in that category (see the detailed list via the cookie icon). You can change your settings and reject cookies anytime by clicking on the cookie icon.

If you prefer not to use cookies on your device, you can manage your cookie settings by selecting different options via the cookie icon. Please note that your changes and choices may affect the website's functionality, and you may not have access to personalized offers and ads.

In addition to withdrawing your consent, you can easily prevent your browser from receiving cookies by changing your browser's cookie settings. All commercial browsers have features for managing cookies. Check your browser to find out how to delete or disable cookies.

By choosing Accept All, you approve all categories of cookies and consent to us sharing this information with third parties, such as our advertising partners. This may sometimes mean your data is processed outside the EU/EEA. If you choose Reject All, no cookies other than those in the “necessary” category will be placed on your device. You can disable cookies that are not categorized as necessary for the website to function by withdrawing your consent at any time.

Do you have questions?

Please feel free to email us if you have any comments or questions regarding our information and/or processing of personal data. Cookie Information updates our cookie policy monthly.